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Family Rules Server - Client API

This is an ongoing project. It has bugs!

It has still many bugs! I use it at home, but keep in mind that it's not a commercial product.

This is an API used by the clients to communicate with the server.

Initial setup

This request should be executed only once, after the client is installed. It registers the client in the server.

export HOST="http://localhost:8080"         # The address of the server
export INSTANCE_NAME="new-instance"         # The name of the device
export CLIENT_TYPE="custom"                 # The type of the client - it's a custom value, can be anything
export USERNAME="username"                  # The username of the administrator 
export PASSWORD="password"                  # The password of the administrator  

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --user "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" \
  --data "{\"instanceName\":\"$INSTANCE_NAME\",\"clientType\":\"$CLIENT_TYPE\"}" \

Sample response:


Launching instance

This request should be executed every time the client is started. It informs the server that the client is active and updates some basic metadata about the client.

export HOST="http://localhost:8080"       # The address of the server
export USERNAME="username"                # The username of the administrator
export INSTANCE_ID="81cc589b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"   # The device ID from the server
export TOKEN="0e26aeb3-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"         # The token from the server 

export VERSION="v1"                        # The version of the client. While technically it can be anything, I strongly recommended to use reasonable versioning

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --user "$USERNAME:$TOKEN" \
  --data '{
  "instanceId": "'"$INSTANCE_ID"'",
  "version": "'"$VERSION"'",
  "availableStates": [
      "deviceState": "ACTIVE",
      "title": "Active",
      "icon": "<path d=\"m424-296 282-282-56-56-226 226-114-114-56 56 170 170Zm56 216q-83 0-156-31.5T197-197q-54-54-85.5-127T80-480q0-83 31.5-156T197-763q54-54 127-85.5T480-880q83 0 156 31.5T763-763q54 54 85.5 127T880-480q0 83-31.5 156T763-197q-54 54-127 85.5T480-80Zm0-80q134 0 227-93t93-227q0-134-93-227t-227-93q-134 0-227 93t-93 227q0 134 93 227t227 93Zm0-320Z\"/>",
      "description": null
}' \

  • availableStates is a list of states that the client can be in.
    • deviceState is the internal name of the state
    • title is the human-readable name
    • icon (optional) is the SVG icon that will be displayed in the Family Rules Server UI (without the <svg> tag itself)
    • description (optional) is the additional, descriptive text which will be displayed in the Family Rules Server UI

Sending report

This request should be executed periodically, to send the usage statistics to the server. It's recommended to execute this request every 15 secs.

export HOST="http://localhost:8080"       # The address of the server
export USERNAME="username"                # The username of the administrator
export INSTANCE_ID="81cc589b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"   # The device ID from the server
export TOKEN="0e26aeb3-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"         # The token from the server 

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --user "$USERNAME:$TOKEN" \
  --data '{
    "instanceId": "'"$INSTANCE_ID"'",
    "screenTime": 5,
    "applications": {
      "YouTube": 5
  }' \

  • screenTime is the total time the device's screen was on in seconds
  • applications is a map of application names and their usage time in seconds

Sample response:


The deviceState shows the current state of the device. The client should take action based on this value.
