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Solr core configuration

Docs and sources:

File structure of a core/conf directory

rafal@MacBook-Pro-Rafal solr-9.7.0 % ls -l server/solr/mycore/conf
total 108
drwxr-xr-x 41 rafal staff  1312 Sep  4 00:06 lang
-rw-r--r--  1 rafal staff 50695 Sep  4 00:06 managed-schema.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 rafal staff   873 Sep  4 00:06 protwords.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rafal staff 44800 Sep  4 00:06 solrconfig.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 rafal staff   781 Sep  4 00:06 stopwords.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rafal staff  1124 Sep  4 00:06 synonyms.txt

Most important files:

  • managed-schema.xml - schema of the data. Previously known as schema.xml
  • solrconfig.xml - configuration of the core, for example:
    • defining handlers (/select for searching, /update for indexing), query parsers, etc
    • adding plugins
    • merge policy
    • replication
    • see docs


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<schema name="default-config" version="1.7">
    <!-- field types -->
    <fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField" docValues="true"/>

    <!-- fields -->
    <field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false"/>
    <dynamicField name="*_s" type="string"/>

    <!-- unique key -->

    <!-- copy fields -->
    <copyField source="sourceFieldName" dest="destinationFieldName"/>

A good documentation is in the comments in the default managed-schema.xml file in the Solr distribution: managed-schema.xml

Noteworthy: field types


All field types: Field Types Included with Solr

Some common types:

  • solr.StrField - text saved "as is", not analyzed, not tokenized
  • solr.TextField - text after tokenization and analysis
  • solr.BoolField
  • solr.DoublePointField
  • solr.IntPointField
  • solr.DatePointField
  • solr.ExternalFileField - value of this field os stored in a separate file, mainly for function queries

Three important data structures: indexed/stored/docValues

Let's say we have the following documents:

        <field name="id">Car 1</field>
        <field name="name">VW Golf hatchback</field>
        <field name="price">200</field>
        <field name="id">Car 2</field>
        <field name="name">Toyota Corolla hatchback</field>
        <field name="price">100</field>
        <field name="id">Car 3</field>
        <field name="name">Toyota Auris Touring</field>
      <field name="price">50</field>

Inverted index: indexed="true"

Per-field data structure, pointing from tokens (words) to docIds

Index for field "name":
    "vw"        => Car 1
    "golf"      => Car 1
    "hatchback" => Car 1, Car 2
    "toyota"    => Car 2, Car 3
    "corolla"   => Car 2
    "auris"     => Car 3
    "touring"   => Car 3

Index for field "price":
    50          => Car 3
    100         => Car 2
    200         => Car 1 

Used for quick searching for documents with given tokens

  1. Query: "Toyota Hatchback"
  2. Index lookup:
    "toyota"    => Car 2, Car 3
    "hatchback" => Car 1, Car 2
  1. Intersection of those sets: {Car 2, Car 3} ∩ {Car 1, Car 2} = {Car 2}
  2. Final result set: {Car 2}

Use cases: full-text search or filtering

Column-based token storage: docValues="true"

Per-field data structure, pointing from docIds to field values. See docValues docs

Note: docValues can be enabled only for some field typed. TextField is not among them.

DocValues for field "name":
    <can't be created>

DocValues for field "price":
   Car 1 => 200
   Car 2 => 100
   Car 3 => 50

Used for retrieving valued during operations like sorting or faceting

Use cases:

  • sorting
  • faceting
  • grouping
  • function queries
  • sometimes retrieving the values, but it's limited - see docs

Row-based original values storage: stored="true"

Stored fields are used to store the original (not analysed) value per document:

Stored values for Car 1:
    name: "VW Golf hatchback"
    price: 200

Stored values for Car 2:
    name: "Toyota Corolla hatchback"
    price: 100

Stored values for Car 3:
    name: "Toyota Auris Touring"
    price: 50

Use cases: when we want to get the values from the index


The common practice is NOT using search engine for retrieving values, due to performance reasons. Usually it's enough to return only docIds from the search engine, and use some external storage to hydrate the data.

TextFields: analyzers and tokenizers

In case of solr.TextField, it's possible to define how the field is analyzed (modified) during indexing, separately for the querying and indexing

<fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" multiValued="true">
  <analyzer type="index">
    <tokenizer name="standard"/>
    <filter name="stop" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
    <filter name="lowercase"/>
  <analyzer type="query">
    <tokenizer name="standard"/>
    <filter name="stop" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
    <filter name="synonymGraph" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
    <filter name="lowercase"/>

tokenizer - how to split text into tokens, some examples:

  • standard - splits by whitespace and punctuation
  • whitespace - splits by whitespace
  • pattern, simplePattern - splits by regexp
  • keyword - does not split, treat the whole string as a single token
  • nGram - splits into substrings of a specific length
  • pathHierarchy - used to tree-like paths (f.ex. directory structure)
  • and more...

filter - how to modify tokens, some examples:

  • asciiFolding - replaces national characters with latin equivalents (ą => a)
  • englishMinimalStem - changes plurals into singulars (English)
  • lowercase - lowercase
  • stop - filters our stopwords
  • shingle - creates groups of consecutive tokens
  • synonymGraph - allows to define synonyms
  • and much more...

See Document Analysis

Support in the SolrUI

