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Solr setup

Docs and sources:

This introduction is based on the official Solr documentation:

Download and run

wget "" -O solr-9.7.0.tgz

tar -xvzf solr-9.7.0.tgz
cd solr-9.7.0.tgz

./bin/solr start

cat server/logs/solr.log

./bin/solr status

Open in the browser: http://localhost:8983/


Create a core

What is a core?

Core in Solr is equivalent of a table in PostgreSQL or MySQL or index in Elasticsearch. It is a logical collection of documents.

./bin/solr create -c mycore

Directory structure of a core

rafal@MacBook-Pro-Rafal solr-9.7.0 % ls -l server/solr/mycore
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 8 rafal staff 256 Sep  4 00:06 conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 rafal staff  76 Oct 26 12:59
drwxr-xr-x 5 rafal staff 160 Oct 26 12:59 data
  • - this file tells Solr that this directory keeps a Solr core, see
  • conf - configuration
  • data - data files. It's safe to clear this directory to remove all data.
